Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Drunk Ice Cream Man: Piss-stachio Anyone?

What could be more refreshing on a sweltering summer day?
I kid, he wasn't selling his urine, he just kept it chilled in case he wanted to remix the ice blended. The drunk ice cream man, Yassir Hassan, sipped on wine while he swerved down the friendly streets of Middletown, PA. He was charged with a DUI and had his ice cream van impounded. According to the city's laws, he has the legal right to retrieve his vehicle and sell ice cream to children again. I 'love' diplomacy. While this pervert somehow has the right to continue his reign of wine and pee-dom, I can out him for his seriously huge freak flag.  Middletown beware, watch your back Philly.

via abclocal.go.com
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